正课 - 初级阶段 -DAY-1- 语料

正课 - 初级阶段 -DAY-1- 语料

/i:/ 和 /i/

这跟 音标#EE [i] - she音标#IH [ɪ] - is 讲的是一个音。
vt.看见; 理解; 拜访
vi.看; 领会
see for yourself 亲自看;亲自核实。
see ... coming 预料到
I didn't see that coming. 我真没料到。
See somebody off 送别
I will see you off tomorrow. 明天我去送你
see out 送出门
I will see myself out 我自己走,别送了 / 这句话最常用在自己身上,让别人别送了
see through 看穿
I see through your tricks. 我看穿了你的把戏
see about 办理; 安排
We will see about that 我们走着瞧 (对某事生气的时候,意思是后面你要重新安排,阻止之前的)
ticket 票、罚单
I got a ticket! 被警察贴条了
give /ɡɪv/ vt.给; 产生; 让步; 举办; 授予
Give away 赠送 泄露
Can not give away position 不能泄露位置
You shouldn't give it away. 你不该把那个东西给别人
Give up 放弃
never give up. 永远别放弃。
Give in 让步 退缩
Just give in 妥协吧!认输吧
Give off 散发出 (气体、热量、光、烟雾、水、味道等)
I don't want to give off a bad vibe 我不想给人不好的感觉 // vibe(感应,氛围) i like the vibe,我很喜欢这种氛围
Give a hand 帮忙
Give me a hand ? 能帮一把吗?
Give it a go 试一试
You wanna give it a go? 你想试一试吗?

trick /trɪk/ treat /triːt/ trick or treat 不给钱就捣蛋

Seeing is believing. 眼见为实!
Please see me in three weeks. 请三周后来看我。

Business is business. 公事公办
You are kidding. 你在开玩笑吧。